Arrival – if your
child is having a contact book it can be placed in the storage
file hanging on the wall ready to be filled with the days
activities, sleep times and other information. The children are
welcomed into nursery and the children are encouraged to play
with friends/carers.
Parents may speak to staff with any information or
questions they may have.
Free play – the
tables are set up for different types of play i.e. –
construction, imaginative play, toys which encourage fine
motor skills. There are also floor-based activities, which
help them with their social, emotional and physical
themes vary from month to month but include ideas such as
healthy eating, pets, all about me, and different cultural
celebrations/festivals, seasons and environment. The childrens work is
displayed on the wall in the Toddler room.
Mid-morning –
children are taken to the toilet in a controlled manner,
walking there and back in a quiet and orderly fashion and are
encouraged to look after their own personal hygiene. During
snack time the children are expected to sit nicely and say
“please” and “ thank you” thereby improving manners and social
skills. A healthy snack is provided by nursery, this includes
fruit, veg, dried fruit and rice cakes.
Outdoor play –
weather permitting we go outside into the garden and the
children learn to become independent with fastening coats,
putting on boots etc. Outdoor
play allows the children to use their imagination and bond
with their peers without being “led” too much
by adults. However they are always supervised. If
the weather were poor this time would be spent indoors with
activities like music and movement, singing, circle games.
Circle time –
children develop their spoken skills, build self-esteem and
confidence by taking it in turns to speak or listen to others.
All children are encouraged to participate. Everyday they will
focus on a different topic i.e., colours, numbers, shapes,
threading etc thus developing hand eye co-ordination and
listening and communication skills.
Story time/ Singing –
this helps to develop their imagination and the children are
particularly fond of stories with repetitive lines and rhymes.
The children are encouraged to join in with the nursery rhymes
and songs. Story
time follows singing.
Story time helps to enhance their story telling skills,
it also helps with listening skills and improving attention
Lunchtime – after
hand washing and visiting the toilet the children sit and eat
at small tables where social skills and manners are
Sleep - some children
will go to sleep after lunch, usually they will sleep until
2:30pm. This can
be adapted to the child’s and parent’s requests. Comforters can be
brought into nursery to aid your child’s sleep.
Afternoon Play – if
your child does not have a sleep they will have quiet play,
which include table top toys and floor toys. When everyone is awake
we will have outside play, weather permitting.
Afternoon snack – the
children are offered an afternoon snack, sometimes a treat
i.e. an ice lolly or biscuit, weather permitting we may have
snack in the garden.